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Gifted Services

Katie Pearson
Gifted Learning Coordinator

Valley View Gifted Learning

Download Gifted Services Referral Form

Valley View Local Schools believes that all children are entitled to an education that meets their individual needs. We are committed to providing children with opportunities to progress their abilities.

Our goal is to provide services where our Gifted Learners:

  • Develop and apply higher-level thinking and processing skills.
  • Use effective, positive leadership skills in the classroom and community.
  • Use logical reasoning, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills to come to solutions or hypotheses.
  • Develop a desire for excellence to improve their organizational skills and grow in personal responsibility and self-confidence as learners.

We want to create a student-centered, rigorous academic environment specifically designed to meet the intellectual, creative, social, and emotional needs of gifted individuals within their unique culture while helping to produce self-directed, life-long learners who will become productive citizens.

Specific provisions are made to meet the needs of our gifted students within their regular K-12 classroom and as part of the integrated school day.

  • In the elementary buildings, administrators and teachers work together to ensure students identified as gifted are clustered appropriately in the general education classroom. The classroom teachers who are providing gifted services will participate in ongoing professional development to help meet the needs of gifted learners.

  • In grades 7-8, students are clustered in classrooms and placed with teachers who receive ongoing professional development. There are also advanced classes offered to gifted students. These courses may offer a quicker pace and more rigorous content. 

  • Gifted services for high school students are provided through honors course selection, College Credit Plus, and Advanced Placement courses. 


K-12 gifted services consist of a combination of the following: