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Our Program

In response to a federal mandate, the Valley View Local School District developed a preschool program to serve children 3 – 5 years of age with a wide range of disabilities qualifying for special education services. A program model was adopted to include children with typical development to provide a more appropriate and enriching learning experience.

The program provides a nurturing environment that supports young children's intellectual, academic, and social growth. It is designed to serve both students with a range of disabilities as well as typical preschool students who pay tuition to attend. The model is built on the premise that preschool-aged students with disabilities and those with typical learning styles can benefit and grow academically by learning alongside one another. “Center-based classrooms” are comprised of equal numbers of both types of learners.

General Information

  • Morning and afternoon programs
    • Monday-Thursday: ages 3 & early 4 attend 9:00 AM-11:45 AM

    • Monday-Thursday: ages 4 & 5 attend 12:45 PM-3:30 PM

  • Students currently enrolled may remain in the program, provided they meet age requirements.
  • Transportation is the responsibility of the parent, guardian, or caregiver.
  • The Preschool will remain in its current facility for the entirety of the 2024-2025 academic year. The goal is to move preschool to the current High School beginning 2025-2026.

Enrollment Requirements

  • Children must be three years old on or before Aug. 1 during the year they wish to enroll.
  • Children five years old on or before Aug. 1 are not eligible.
  • If your child is eligible for kindergarten, he/she is not eligible for this program.
  • Children must be toilet-trained or in the process of being toilet-trained.
  • Families must reside within the Valley View School District by the end of the application deadline.

Lottery System for Admissions

Valley View uses a lottery system for admissions.    

The lottery system provides a more equitable process for families.  All interested and eligible students will have their names added to the lottery by following the steps outlined here: